A fleet of Dion buses, Wollongong, 1948. I have been traveling on buses a lot lately. That's fine - it saves me money, gets me from A to B through to Z. Having got rid of a second car and looking to get a motorbike, the bus serves me well in the interim. Sometimes it just IS, i.e. I go from here to there and back again, mostly between Wollongong and the northern suburbs, but I have ventured as far west as up over the Escarpment to Campbelltown, and into the deep south of Stockland Shellharbour. Usually I just pay my fare and sit quietly, comfortably, if possible. Other times the whole experience can be a real pain, like when you walk to the bus stop and see the bus pull out, realising you have to sit around waiting for the next one in half an hour or so; or late at night when I am tired and just want to get home, have a shower, and hop into bed, and the bus trip seems interminably long; or when a noisy drunk gets on the bus and you don't know what they are going to do; or a